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Aaron Aikman

Principal Rendering Technical Artist

The Orville

The Orville Banner


Created shaders and vfx, animated spaceships and cameras, wrote tools for quickly naming and moving files, and rendered previs (mainly for episodes 101, 104, 105, 111, and 112)


~6 Months


The Orville Intro Gif

The Orville Sun Gif

The Orville Fight_01 Gif

The Orville Fight_02 Gif

The Orville Pod Gif

The Orville Crash Gif

The Orville Dark_Matter Gif

The Orville Outro Gif


Full Previs Reel

For more project details, please visit the Halon Project page

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Aaron Aikman is a Principal Rendering Technical Artist with over a decade of experience. He focuses mainly on shaders, pipeline, and problem-solving.